Numerology and Psychic Readings at Event!

In these rapidly changing times, we must remain diligent  in controlling our own experiences through understanding the power of our thoughts and other energies available to us. We have enormous personal power to affect our own lives and the lives of others.  We only need to be aware of it and consciously use it toward a more positive experience.  The good news – this is much easier than you might think!

The White Dove Rising event on March 8th at the Burton Barr Library in Phoenix will be an information-packed happening. Jamie Clark and I will each have two programs, one in the morning and another in the afternoon.  This is a great opportunity to absorb new data, new experiences and expand your consciousness…which expands your life.

Numerology says 2014 is a number 7 year.  It is a year for reflection, introspection and education – leading to self awareness and often life changes for a more fulfilled you. The information you will receive on March 8th is a gold mine for that progression of self awareness and expanded consciousness.  

Please join us.  Click the White Dove Rising link on the sidebar or go to

God bless…
