Somewhere Between Heaven and the Deep Blue Sea is the true story James Bowman who was washed overboard while serving in the U.S. Navy. This small book tells of this horrific event, the near death experience he had, and his miraculous rescue. It continues with the story of how this young agnostic slowly but surely becomes a believer and how his life was transformed as he began to speak in strange voices with messages from God.
Miracles Only Come in One Size tells the complete story of our creative abilities. Using true stories from her personal experiences, the author teaches the practical application of spiritual principles in all aspects of life. It is emphasized that thoughts, words, actions and intentions are continuously working, each supporting the other, to bring about desired outcomes in any situation, large or small. Lois not only explains what to do, but what not to do – those careless thoughts or comments that we think bring no harm. The stories are miraculous, charming, encouraging and often inspiring. The intention is to help you create your own miracles, recognize miracles that have already come your way, and to see through seemingly difficult times as a course correction or shortcut to something wonderful. There is a strong message that we are loved and guided at all times. If we expect great things, the Universe will offer one wonderful surprise after another.